Tips to Get Your Car Ready For Spring
Published on: July 19, 2020

Published By: Go Green Auto Service Corp.

Tips to Prepare Your Car for Spring

Spring is one of the most enjoyable, pleasant times of the year. The clear, sunny-but-not-scorching sky, cool breeze, and beauty of Mother Earth and Her sprouting life all around us, are of the primary reasons for making this time of year an ideal time for getaways and long, relaxing drives. Speaking of road trips with your loved ones, you must also be aware of the tips to better and more easily care for your vehicle during spring. The steps that help us keep our vehicle in good condition vary from season to season. It is because of this that you are advised to go through these tips so that you are knowledgeably empowered in this subject matter. After being subjected to months of ice, road salt, and cold sleet during the winter, your car is vulnerably susceptible to serious damage if left unattended. One solution is to take your car in for general maintenance at a nearby auto repair shop, but it never harms to be knowledgeable and, in fact, helps give you the upper hand. 

  • Check your car tires – The first step is to have your car tires thoroughly checked. Winters can be really harsh on your tires. In case you change to snow tires during winters, now is the time to go back to the ones suitable for relatively warmer, drier conditions. We notice many times that people seem comfortable with using all-season tires. Are you one of them? If so, then do not forget to check the tire treads and replace them if necessary. Always remember that safety should be your primary concern at all times. 
  • Take it for a proper wash – Then you should properly wash your car. This is a very important step if you want your car to perform better and also look brand new. Washing will help you rid it of grit, road salt, and grime. It must be noted that the deposition of such substances causes serious damage as it also leads to corrosion.
  • Change your car’s wiper blades – Winters have a heavy impact on your car wiper blades. As we know, the basic function of wiper blades is to wipe the snow, sleet, or rain away from and off your windshield to protect the integrity of your visibility. This is a difficult task that weakens your wiper blades. If you hear a squeaky noise or find that the blades are leaving streaks in your windshield, change them immediately.
  • Replace the engine oil –Changing the engine oil from time to time is a basic precaution and a must that stands true for every season. Experts say that the oils should be replaced after every 3,000 miles of driving. The chilly season of winter is difficult on your engine as well. Therefore, checking the level of your engine oil and refilling it is a must if you want your car to perform better and prevent future costly repairs. Don’t forget to inspect the oil filters as well.
  • Check all other car fluids – Many of us think that the engine oil is the only fluid responsible for the smooth functioning of the car, but that is far from the case. Several other fluids such as transmission fluid, brake fluid, steering wheel fluid, coolants, etc., each play their role in making your vehicle perform better…, and in the case of the brake fluid keeps you safe. With this in mind, check all these fluid levels and replace them (when necessary) when you take your car in for maintenance and repair.
  • Replace air filters – Air filters are responsible for letting clean air from outside enter the car engine. As a result, a lot of dirt particles and pollutants get scooped up and deposited in these filters, causing blockage in the passage of air and in turn resulting in the overheating of the engine. Hence, you are also advised to change your air filters before taking your vehicle out for its first spin of the spring season. 

By now you must be fully aware of the steps that help you maintain your vehicle and make it ready for spring. But, as mentioned earlier, completing these steps can be difficult if you lack certain expertise and experience in this field. The most viable option is to look for a nearby auto service center that provides car maintenance and repair services. Go-Green Auto Service Corp in Brooklyn, New York City, offers such services in their highest quality form and at the most reasonable prices around. We are a complete, world-class one-stop shop with the experienced specialists to, successfully and in timesaving fashion, handle every imaginable vehicle need and issue. To learn more, please go through our website and the promptly give us a call TODAY! Please allow Go-Green Auto Service Corp the honor and pleasure of being the ones who prepare your precious vehicle for spring, giving it its first maintenance services of the new season.

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