Maintain Your Car Engine
Published on: August 14, 2020

Published By: Go Green Auto Service Corp.

Know How to Maintain Your Car Engine

Do you know that the performance of a car is directly dependent on the good health of its engine? In order to make a car’s engine perform at its optimum level, it should be maintained on a regular basis. People often remain confused about the steps that must be followed if they want to take good care of their car engine. We are hereby ending all such confusion by providing you in this blog the tips to maintain your engine. The proven fact that regular maintenance reduces the chances of the need for expensive future repairs is not a secret. Therefore, you are advised to go through the section below and incorporate the tips into your car’s checkup routine. 

  • Check the engine oil – The first and foremost step is to keep an eye on the engine oil and replace it when necessary. The primary reason behind this is very simple: oil is the lifeblood of an engine. Its major function is to lubricate the rotating parts of the car engine. A decrease in the oil level can happen due to various reasons. It can get burnt during the combustion process, usually because the oil may be bypassing the piston rings or leaking past the valve seals; piston rings get worn out from high mileage or poor maintenance  –  which would allow small amounts of engine oil to pass and be burnt during the combustion process. Low oil level increases friction and in turn can lead to deposition of sludge and carbon in the engine. Hence, never skip out on changing your engine oil from time to time. Experts advise it should be replaced after 3000 miles of driving. To do so, you just have to visit a nearby car maintenance and repair shop.
  • Avoid overheating the engine – One of the most popular problems related to car engines is overheating. The fuel burnt inside when the vehicle is in function generates a lot of heat that makes the importance of the cooling system very prominent. The main function of the cooling system is to regulate the temperature of the car engine. Ergo, malfunctions in this system can cause overheating. You might be thinking about what creates malfunctions in the cooling system. Well, it can happen due to leakage of the coolant. You should therefore also check the coolant level in the radiator on a regular basis. 
  • Take your car in for an engine tune-up – You are also recommended to take you car in for regular car engine tune-ups. Many a time the engine of your car can lack power and feel sluggish; this problem is resolved by giving it a good engine tune-up. 
  • Check the timing belt – Last but not least, you should also inspect the timing belt. The primary function of this belt is to ensure that the valves are working while the engine’s camshaft is opening and closing in time with the pistons. When the belt gets worn out or damaged it can damage the engine when in function. Ergo, get the timing belt checked frequently and if you find signs of wear, replace it.

Go-Green Auto Service Corp does understand that even after going through this blog, you might still harbor confusion or be uncertain regarding how to maintain the engine. In that case, the only viable option is to visit an auto maintenance and repair shop regularly. Go-Green Auto Service Corp in New York City is one such world-class stop that provides the best quality assistance at a very affordable price. Why worry anymore when you have the very best care at your service? Get in touch with Go-Green Auto Service Corp NOW.

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